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We specialise in sustainable design and believe in a strong environmental approach as a holistic view to any project with the user always at the heart of any good design. It is an integral part of any design we undertake, and should be discussed at an early stage in the design process to mould the strategic approach to the project. 

The objective through considered sustainable design is to reduce or completely eliminate negative impacts on the environmental, and the health and comfort of building occupants, by reducing energy emissions through the use of renewable resources, minimising waste and promoting green building materials, thereby improving building performance to create healthy, productive environments through thoughtful designs. 

We will discuss, where appropriate, issues such as,

  • Energy savings. The building's ability to retain or passively regulate internal temperature of spaces. 
  • Building materials. The use and procurement of ‘green’ sustainable building materials to reduce carbon impact of the project and can also help internal air environments.
  • The minimisation of waste to reduce or eliminate landfill use, cost, and the impact on natural resources. ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’! 
  • Renewable energy options, including on site, zero and low carbon technologies. 
  • Water management options, to reduce water consumption, saving resources. 

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